Year-End Tax Planning
Dec 09, 2024Hi, this is Dave Kats with Therapist Consultants, and I have a tip for you. You know, it's about the end of the year, and it's time to take advantage of end of the year tax planning. So here are just two things you should do. Well, maybe three things.
First of all, I think you should meet with your tax advisor, the person that does your taxes, and ask him or her what you should do to make the best results of what you have from the income you've made and the overhead that you have.
The second thing I think you should do is you should fund your IRA. If your spouse happens to work at a place or if you happen to have a 401k or if it's a non-profit organization, a 403b, I think you should fund your IRA or your 401k or your 403b. I think that it will make a huge difference at the end of your practice career if you just invest in your IRA every year you can, to the full amount you can. I think you'll see a great retirement plan ahead of you. This is Dave Kats. Plan for the next tax year. See your accountant and we will see you next week.
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