Video Therapy
Apr 14, 2020Hi, this is David Kats for Therapists Consultants, and I have a tip for you. You know last week Cheri Egts and I talked about having a platform where you can do video therapy. I think it's very important that you do that. Most therapists or many therapists have put all their patients on a video therapy format and I think that's good for now and even in the future if you want to continue it after the coronavirus pandemic is come to an end, but today I want to talk to you about when that pandemic does come to an end, you have to be prepared to build your practice, and you can do it right now.
You can literally build your practice right now if you use Telemental health, there's no problem with spreading the virus that way. If you'll do ads on Google, we have therapists who are now doing ads on Google and they are getting lots of new patients just from those ads and they're doing business as usual and even seeing business growth doing the Telemental health. I would suggest that you, right now, spend about a hundred to $300 if you're not already spending money on Google, and put ads on Google that tells them that you're open during this time, that you can do telehealth, or if you're still seeing patients live, that you'll do live or telehealth and give them an opportunity to sign up and become a new patient.
It's the best money you could ever spend right now to keep your practice going well in this pandemic and to make it do well immediately after a pandemic, too. Think very seriously today about doing Google Ads. It's the easiest thing you could ever imagine. Just go to Google, type in Google Ads, and they'll show you how. They'll take you step by step how to do it, and you'll be advertising within the next 20 minutes. This is Dave Kats thanks for listening.
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