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Utilizing ChatGPT

Jan 23, 2024

Hi this is Dave Kats with Therapist Consultants and I have a tip for you.

I have a website that I want to share with you that's gonna save you a lot of time. Now, maybe you've already heard of it and are a strong user of it, but let me go. For those that don't have it, it's this website that is called C-H-A-T-G-P-T. So ChatGPT.

You've heard so much about artificial intelligence and how it works to create things for you. Well, that's what this site is. It's a free artificial intelligence site. You can ask it any question and it gives you an answer. And I don't mean just like, what time is it or something like that. I mean things like, give me a five minute speech on how to prevent suicide for teenagers. And in a matter of three to four seconds, it's gonna give you a whole speech on how to do suicide prevention for teenagers.

You can use it for anything you want to do like that. Make a list of things, make a list of the most common sites, most common testing for suicide prevention. And it'll give you all the testing needs, the things that you need, all the assessments and things like that. So why don't you look at chatGPT. You have my permission to go out and play today. Play with chatGPT, fill in the box at the bottom, ask it any question you want to, and you'll be amazed what it comes up with its artificial intelligence. Try it. Have fun today. Play a little bit. This is Dave Katz.

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