Setting Goals Part 2
Dec 24, 2024Hi, this is Dave Kats with Therapist Consultants, and I have a tip for you. Last week we talked about goals, where we said you have to list everything you want to have, do, and become. I want to take off right there where we left off last week. To be successful in 2025, you really have to set and reach goals. And so what I would suggest is you make a list of everything you want to have, do, and become.
And then the next thing you have to do if you're gonna be successful, is every day you have to sit down and look over those goals and say, ask just this one simple question, what can I do today to move me closer to those goals? Let's say you want to have a goal to be a millionaire one day. What can I do today to move me closer to that goal? Well, you could go to the bank and just open an account, a savings account, and start putting money in it methodically.
I was listening to Dave Ramsey, and he said that if you save $200 a month from every month from the time you're 25 years old to 65 years old with a normal rate of interest, you'll have over $1 million in the bank when you're 65 years old. So you have to make these goals and you have to create the list of what you want to do each day. Every day you ask yourself, what can I do to move me closer to this goal and then take action on that plan.
You’ll see that you set and reach goals, and you'll be successful as a result of it. This is Dave Kats. Thanks for listening.
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