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Professional Will

Aug 02, 2021

Hi, this is Dave Kats with Therapist Consultants. I have a tip for you. We hear so much about having a will or a trust when we die. That's very important. For therapists, there's another step. You need to have a professional will. A professional will is basically it tells what you want done with your patients and with your practice when you're no longer around. The first thing you have to do to have a professional will is have an executor that knows how to operate that will or they execute that will. You'll want that executor to be familiar with your office and where things are found.

Then you also have to have a way to show people how they can get their information from your office if they need it. The last thing you need to make sure you do on your professional will is make sure that everything stays HIPAA compliant in the transition after you're no longer around. Think about having a professional will. You can look it up on the internet, if you want more information. A professional will, with an executor for that professional will. Make sure you know where everything goes after you're gone. Make sure that you are HIPAA compliant and that you stay HIPAA compliant with your practice, even when you're not around. This is Dave Kats. I'd suggest you get a professional will. Thanks for listening.

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