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Offering Free Consultations

Aug 12, 2024

Hi, this is Dave Kats with Therapist Consultants, and I have a tip for you. Have you ever considered giving something free or at a discount? Now you have to be careful of what you want to do, and it has to be in your belief system and in your psyche that you want to do it, but maybe it's time that you advertise something either free or at a discount. Now that's only if it fits for you, like I said.

So if you're going to offer something free, you could offer a free first visit. You could offer a 20 minute consultation by phone. You could offer a discount of $200 for the first visit. But you could offer something that gives them a reason to come in and a call to action. Now if you're going to do it, make sure that people know about it so they take advantage of it. And one of the best places to put it is on your website and other important places on the internet that people will see you. So if you're going to give some kind of incentive for patients to come in, make sure that you have it advertised appropriately on your website and other places so that they actually know about it.

One last thing, if you take Medicare patients, you cannot offer them a free or discounted service because Medicare has a rule that you cannot entice the patient. And they would see a discounted first day service as an enticement to the patient. So anytime you advertise like this, if you take Medicare, you should put the words on there, federal program excluded. That being said, a lot of you don't take Medicare.

So I just want to tell you that you can probably draw in more new patients by having some discounted service or benefit for them to come in right now. This is Dave Kats, thanks for listening. Are you ready to take your practice to the next level? Visit to get started today!

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