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It's Time To Update Your Pictures

Aug 26, 2024

Hi, this is Dave Kats with Therapist Consultants and I have a tip for you. You know, we’ve talked about you taking all new pictures for your website and everywhere else. And that the fact that you could take them yourself, just have somebody take them on a good smartphone, you don't have to hire a professional photographer anymore. But today I want to talk about the type of pictures that you want to take and what you want to see in those pictures. So the type of pictures you want to take, of course, you want to have some head shots. You want to have some casual shots.

You want to have some shots of your office location. You may want to have a shot of you post doing a counseling session with somebody that's a post model, some of your family members, something like that. And then where are you going to need these? Where are you going to need these pictures? Where are you going to need them all over the website. You're going to need them on Instagram. You're going to need them on Facebook. You're going to need them on anything that you post.

This includes Psychology Today and all the other places. So your assignment this week is to get all your pictures loaded on all those places, your website, Psychology Today, everywhere else that you do pictures. And by the way, when you're gonna do a lot of pictures like you are, make sure that you have two or three changes of clothes so it doesn't look like the same person is taking the same picture all on the same day. That's our goal for today.

So make sure that you get your pictures taken and loaded on the website and Psychology Today. That's your assignment. This is Dave Kats. Thanks for listening.

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