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Insurance Panels

Mar 04, 2024

Hi, this is Dave Kats with Therapist Consultants and I have a tip for you. You know, you have to consider what's necessary when you get on insurance panels.

You know, some of you have joined insurance panels through Better Health or through Alma or some other large billing company, but you have to realize you per se, are not on the insurance panel. You are on the insurance panel through them.

So if you ever leave Better Health, if you ever leave Alma, then you are off the insurance panel. So what you have to do is this, join Better Health or Alma if you would like to, but make sure that you also join personally and get on the insurance panels personally.

That way if you have patients come in that are not under Alma, you can still build their insurance and it'll be business as usual. So think about it. If you go with Better Health or Alma or some major company like that, make sure you also get on the panels on your own individually.

This is Dave Kats. Thanks for listening.

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