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Identify Your Ideal Client

Sep 16, 2024

Hi, this is Dave Kats with Therapist Consultants and I have a tip for you. Have you ever identified your ideal patient? You know, what do you really want for an ideal patient? Do you want female? Do you want male? Do you want younger? Do you want older? You want people with specific problems? You need to identify, just write down, here's what my ideal patient would be. And then after you write that down, you have to start advertising in that direction. Advertise for those people.


If you want couples, then couple's counseling more than anything else. And so, and then put it on your website. Put down, put on your website, don't say here's my ideal patient, but say here's the people that we work with and have those parameters there. And then the other good thing about knowing what your ideal patient is, is you'll find out what your ideal patient is not. And those people that do not fit in a criteria in any way shape or form, you may want to refer them because you'll be happier if you have a practice that's full of ideal patients and you refer the ones that you don't feel you can work with or you don't prefer to work with to a therapist who will do a better job than you would.


Maybe you don't like that particular area and the other therapist does. So that's just a thought. Find your ideal patient and then work toward that ideal patient. This is Dave Kats. Thanks for listening.

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