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Google Reviews From Family & Friends

Jul 29, 2024

Hi, this is Dave Kats with Therapist Consultants, and I have a tip for you. You know, one of the things you can do to move yourself up in the rankings on the internet is simply get Google reviews. Now, we have clients and we have a done-for-you program where we do all of their internet, and they just sit back and we do all the internet, we do all the blogs, we do all the posts and everything like that. But one thing we can't do for them is get all the reviews. Now, we can do a few reviews for them ourselves. But you really need to get several, in fact you need to get 12 to 15 reviews with Google before you're really going to be seen by Google. They say there's a sweet spot with Google, somewhere between 12 and 15 reviews, they put you with the "big boys". And so you need to try to get reviews for your business. Now it's very easy to do. By the way, who can you get from? You can get reviews from your staff. You can get reviews from your family. You can get reviews from your friends. You can get reviews from your colleagues. And they don't have to say anything that isn't true. They just have to give you a good review. And by the way, you can get reviews from your patients. Now, it's really unethical to ask your patients to get reviews. But if you have a QR code out on your desk and you should have these QR codes all over now that sends them right to your Google review page and then they can give you a review unsolicited, that's fine if they volunteered. So why don't you get a QR code going right now and then make sure that you get your assignment for this week is to get 12 to 15 Google reviews under your belt and you'll start to see yourself rise in the rankings of the internet. This is Dave Kats, thanks for listening.

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