Goals 2020
Dec 24, 2019They say having a clear vision will help you plan good goals. In the year 2020, that's your clear vision right there; 2020 vision. I want you to have very clear goals of what you're going to do next year. Before we get into the year 2020, you should write down all the things you want to have, do and become.
Think about them in your spiritual life, in your physical life, in your business life, in your financial life, in your social life, in your educational life, in your family life, and in your leisure life. If you take those eight areas, and decide everything you want to have, do and become; the list may be 15 or 20 things, but if you write them down and set a date beside them when you think it's possible, and then look at them every day and work the plan, and I have a feeling 2020 will be your best year ever.
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