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Getting Google Reviews From Friends & Colleagues - What To Say?

Jul 29, 2024

Hi, this is Dave Kats with Therapist Consultants and I have a tip for you. Last time we talked about getting Google reviews and who can give you Google reviews. And we said that your family can give you Google reviews, your staff can give you Google reviews, any friends can give you Google reviews, your colleagues can give you Google reviews. And so today I want to say, what can they actually say? What's logical for them to say? I have them written down here, a couple of them. First thing I want to say is don't say anything that isn't true.  Don't say, "I've been a patient for two years if they've never been in your office, you know." Say what's true, just tell them what's good about the therapist and that'll be enough to get a good review. So I put some here. I put one, Lana is a perfect blend of being compassionate and caring while yet being very directed toward your goals. That would be a good review. Here's another one. Trish is very balanced and I can see why so many couples use her for counseling.  And then the last one I didn't finish, but you could start off like this, as a fellow therapist, and then go on and write the review. So those are some of the things that they can write so that it is logical, so that it's true, and so that it'll boost your rankings. Remember, you got to get 12 to 15 reviews on Google before you enter into their sweet spot and get seen a little more often on the internet. This is Dave Kats. Thanks for listening.  Visit to get started today!

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